Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadymill
What is Alter G?
Alter G Anti-Gravity treadmill is an advanced piece of rehab and training equipment that uses NASA differential air pressure technology, allowing patients to recover or train at a percentage of their body weight.
Alter G has capabilities of adjusting patient’s body weight between 20%-100%. This allows patients to train and normalize their gait or walking/running mechanics following an injury or surgery with less load and joint pressures on their spine and lower extremities.
Clinical Applications
Rehabilitation after spine or lower extremity surgeries (Lumbar surgeries, joint replacements, ACL reconstruction, meniscus repair, knee arthroscopy, foot and ankle surgeries)
Conservative pain management of low back pain, Hip/knee/ankle arthritis, and other common orthopaedic conditions
Vestibular conditions and balance issues associated with natural aging process
Neurological conditions (Stroke, Brain injuries, Parkinson’s disease)
Endurance athletes training to improve function for enhanced performance